After learning about the china marker on Tuesday (see March 23rd post) , I decided I needed to make a quick trip to Staples to pick some up. And, of course there were other things I picked up as well.
On the far left, I purchased Twist and Write Pencils - 4 for 4 bucks. These might be great for a student with a weak or awkward grasp.
Next to that are circular multi-use labels. 1,000 of these blank stickers will run you about 7 dollars and can will give you endless treatment ideas. I use them to write the letters of student's names or words and have them peel and match them on whatever we are working on. This is great for fine motor manipulation, visual motor and visual perceptual skills. There are also different sizes available depending on the student's ability level.
The third item I bought is paper reinforcements. I was thinking ahead to the week when I come back after Spring Break. I have seen a cute activity in the past where the student's dip their hand in black paint placing it on the paper upside down. The fingers are the feet and the thumb is the head. After it dries (definitely a two step activity), the students place the paper reinforcements on it as the "wool"to create a lamb. It is a great spring theme activity. There are a ton of other lamb activity ideas here.
And finally, the china markers, of course. These ere a little pricey for my budget but you get 12 pencils for less than a dollar each. You might be able to find them somewhere else sold in smaller numbers.
I am heading camping for Spring Break!! Be back later next week.